@extends('layouts/home/logined_new') @section('title') {{trans('common.title_user')}} @endsection @section('content')


@if($info['qr_status']== 5)

This Project is canceled

{!! csrf_field() !!}
Property Address :    {{$info['pro_address']}}
Appointment Time :    {{$info['app_time']}}
Full Name :   {{$info['real_name']}}
Mobile Phone Numbe :   {{$info['mobile']}}
Email Address :   {{$info['email']}}
Remark :    {{$info['remark']}}

You have Selected:

@foreach($services as $k=>$v) *  {{$v['item']}}
Back         Edit         @if($info['qr_status'] != 5) Cancel @endif

To cancel or reschedule this booking, please send a message to 0424 912 598.

- No cancellation & reschedule fee if it is made12 hours before the appointment.

- $50.00 cancellation & reschedule fee applies if it is made within 12 hours before the appointment.
